Saturday, May 06, 2006

Toy Story

The 6-inch singing Elmo with blinking belly and Smiley Sunshine rattle are probably my first few toys. Both are from aunty kuma Ming : Elmo as a hand me down from my cousins William+Wendy+Whitney that keeps me entertained during clothes change after morning bath, while Smiley as my 2005 Christmas gift when I was 8 months old in my mama’s womb, which has now became my teething chewmate.

Aunty kuma Ping got me many toys too. The hanging bear and elephant are squeaky toys that adorn my buai-buai ( local cradle ), hypnotising me to sleep. The puppet monkey in the middle has a curly tail that can be hooked up to many a thing – cot, crib and cradle. The pacifier on the left, I guess is toy to all babies…

My cot is clustered with so many toys. Cow, elephant, platypus and monster orbit the musical mobile that needs manual winding. Poohs, Nemo and Doggie are stacked in one corner. Bagfuls of palm sized toys are in another corner. Climbing Garfield, Koala and Jusco bears are all over the place. Nope, the one in pink lying in the cot is not a doll, it is me!

Phew, so many toys, too many toys. This is the view from my cot!
Share you a secret : I have never slept in my cot since birth! I enjoy the comfort and company of sleeping on the Queen sized giant bed with my mama or grandma popo at night. My papa?... he gets booted to the floor, to the room next door or simply to the PC to blog this spot. ( The cot is used to change my clothes only ).

Mama ( with balance from grandma popo stroller money ) got me a Gym. You are supposed to hit at the dangling sun, moon and star to trigger the classical and children musical choruses, my favourite being ‘Canon in D’. Laying me down to work out with the Gym, allows mama to rest her tired arms from carrying me all day long. Well, everybody needs some exercise.

Grandpa kongkong ( with balance from mahpiu money? ), is not to be left out too. Got me a Doraemee baby bop bag ( known as Bu Dao Whong in Chinese ). Doraemee is the Made in China Doraemon clone.

Occasionally, over lucky weekends, I get to play with ‘life toys’ too. “Yee-hah! Let’s go AhGu. Don’t let go AhYi.” Life toy is my best joy.

Two weeks ago, mama got herself a toy – a Sony Mini DVD Handycam. Hmm, this toy was said to be meant for me, to capture my moments of triumph eg rolling over ( Haha, I have not been rolling over much since early April! ). So, the cam was instead used to record myself bathing, singing, crying…more importantly I think is the audio-visual documentation of my early journey in life. Before the cam, mama used to record ‘16 seconds silent movie’ with the still camera, very much like the Chaplin’s days. Well, grandma popo even suggested that papa gets a cam into the labour room, but papa said no as he already has his hands full with me, mama, Dr Anjalai, the three nurses and of course with all the amniotic fluid and bottom bleed - 7am to 7pm on that meaningful day.

Last week, mama got herself another toy – a Toyota Avanza 7 seater MPV ( pronounced as A Van Car? ). Hmm, again this toy was said to be meant for me, to ferry me and my ‘entourage of bouncer-bed, gym, floor mat, stroller, steriliser, clothings, ++’. Papa and mama take me home to visit grandpa yehyeh and grandma mahmah every Friday and stay overnight ( currently I am staying and growing up with grandpa kongkong and grandma popo ). I also go out for walkabout in the gigantic-scenic limestone cave garden of Kek Lok Tong, for dimsum breakfast ( I mean see people eat dimsum ), for shopping at Jusco and BeBe Shop…so all in all the MPV comes handy. Okay, try your luck, the number is 5970.


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